Outsourced CFO for a Real Estate Development Firm

At a Glance

This client approached us feeling stressed about their finances and lack of organization. They had dozens of investors and needed to send them detailed reports on a frequent basis.


This client had no bookkeeping and was keeping track of their dozens of properties separately in Excel. There was no system, business plan, or goal structure. Additionally, there was no easy way to read reports or create visuals to help them understand their business. They had dozens of investments and even more investors who all required detailed reports on their investments.

The Solution

Fox and Partners stepped in and provided a calm and organized presence. Within months, we had reconciled thousands of transactions, created clear reports, and allowed them to feel a sense of ease while providing investors with what they need.

Image showing three key points of investor reports, business planning, and financial reporting

The Results

  • Ability to Exhale

    Installed systems to put processes and documentation in place, backed up all important documents to the Cloud, took the burden of financial reporting off of the client's plate, and implemented tax reporting.

  • Increased Gross and Net Income

    Put a business infrastructure in place to allow for increased funding and project opportunities.

  • Scaleability

    Using the systems mentioned in benefit #1, we were able to build the foundation for this client to scale.

Key Metrics

  • 35

    Investments cleaned and organized.

  • $30MM

    Portfolio value.

  • 20

    Hours saved per month.

Let’s Work Together

With a wide range of knowledge, including finance, marketing and vision building and an ability to bring-in and communicate with various specialists to ensure optimal care, Fox and Partners is uniquely suited to bring to the business world what the medical world has had for decades – a warm first point of contact, a professional with a breadth of knowledge and coordination for all of your business and financial needs.